holy water 【天主教】圣水;【佛教】凈水。
【天主教】圣水;【佛教】凈水。 “holy“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.神圣的;神的;供神用的;獻身于神的。 2. ...“water“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.水;雨水;露;〔常作 pl. 〕 礦泉,溫泉; ...“holy water bomb“ 中文翻譯: 圣水炸彈“holy water sprinkler“ 中文翻譯: 圣水噴杖“holy water tank“ 中文翻譯: 發動機冷卻淡水柜; 循環冷卻水柜“holy-water basin“ 中文翻譯: 圣水池“holy-water stone“ 中文翻譯: 圣水石“praying for some holy water“ 中文翻譯: 一些圣水祈禱“summon holy water“ 中文翻譯: 召喚圣水“holy water cannot help you now“ 中文翻譯: 圣水現在幫不了你“holy“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.神圣的;神的;供神用的;獻身于神的。 2.圣潔的;至善的。 3.虔誠的;崇敬的;宗教的。 4.〔口語〕令人生畏的,可怕的;厲害的,非常的。 holy rites 宗教儀式。 holy ground 圣地。 a holy place 靈場。 the holy place 圣殿,大殿。 a holy man 虔誠的信徒。 holy love 純真的愛。 a holy terror 難以對付的家伙,無法無天的小家伙。 holy cow [smoke]! 天哪!〔表示驚訝、強調的感嘆語〕。 n. 神圣的東西,圣堂。 the Holiest 至圣者(指上帝或基督)(= the holy of the holiest)。 the Holy of Holies 猶太神殿中的至圣所;神圣的地方。 “holy holy holy“ 中文翻譯: 神圣的“the holy blood and the holy grail“ 中文翻譯: 圣血和圣杯“the holy ghost, the holy spirit“ 中文翻譯: 圣靈“a holy man“ 中文翻譯: 獻身于上帝的人“basil holy“ 中文翻譯: 荷力羅勒“battle of the holy“ 中文翻譯: 神圣之戰“by the holy poker“ 中文翻譯: 一定“communion, holy“ 中文翻譯: 圣體:本意指基督圣體與領受者的融合,亦泛指教友間的團契。“family, holy“ 中文翻譯: 圣家:指由耶穌、瑪利亞、若瑟所組成的神圣家庭。“holy acolyte“ 中文翻譯: 神圣侍祭“holy alliance“ 中文翻譯: 【歷史】(1815-1816俄、普、奧三國君主訂立的)神圣同盟。 “holy animal“ 中文翻譯: 中國神話中杜撰的神獸“holy ark“ 中文翻譯: 猶太教教堂里保存經文的柜子。 “holy armor“ 中文翻譯: 神圣之衣/對不死族怪物的攻擊,防御力增加
holy week |
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Lord my god , may thy holy gift and thy holy water be unto the enlightenment of my mind , unto the strengthening of my spiritual and physical powers , unto the health of my soul and body , unto the taming of my passions and weaknesses , according to thy limitless mercy , through the prayers of thy most - pure mother and of all thy saints 主,我的上帝,希望你所賞賜的圣餅和圣水給我帶來內心的光照,精神的堅強,形體的力量,靈魂和肉身的健康,偏情的止息,軟弱的醫治,惟愿這一切都依靠你無限的仁慈,并藉著你至潔圣母和諸圣的祈禱而成就。 |
About this dream , i think it does not matter whether it is true or not . collecting holy water is very easy , however , bringing people to churches or temples to accept instructions and baptize is not easy 對于這個夢,后學的看法是真假并不重要,收集供水是一件很容易的事。但是要帶人去佛堂或教堂接受上課、求道或受洗并不是件容易的事。 |
One beautiful and elegant water nymph , she stands for the sanctity and charm of the water in the heavenly pound . she is the embodiment of changbai holy water 一個美麗、典雅、高貴的水神、她代表著長白山天池之水的神圣和美艷,是流動的、不息的!她是永遠的長白山之水的美麗化身,她帶來的美妙、飄逸給人以神奇之感。 |
She enquired god and mother about this , they told her that she needs to collect holy water , because when the end of days comes , there may be no water to drink 她認為這個夢可能是真的,因為星期日早上,教堂宣布教宗病逝。她請示上帝與老母,他們告知她要收集供水,因為末日來臨之前,可能會沒水喝。 |
In general , all temples cherish the holy water . but the above example maybe is just a special case , not every cup of holy water can cure disease and save lives 基本上,所有的佛堂都很珍惜供茶,但是這也許是特殊案例,不一定每杯供茶都能治病救人,所以不要太迷信。 |
He stood a moment unseeing by the cold black marble bowl while before him and behind two worshippers dipped furtive hands in the low tide of holy water 他兩眼發花,在冰涼的黑色大理石圣水缽旁邊佇立片刻。在他前后各有一位信徒,悄悄地用手蘸了蘸淺淺的圣水。 |
Seeing her distress , her neighbour brought her before the heavenly mother . they beseeched the mothers compassion , hoping for some help , and were given a cup of holy water 于是她鄰居就把她帶到老母面前,懇求老母慈悲,希望能有一絲毫的?光,而求了一杯供茶。 |
Thank you , supreme master ching hai , for showing me a beautiful and spectacular buddha s land and allowing me to taste those precious holy waters . your would - be initiate 清海無上師,感謝您,讓我有幸觀看如此美妙壯觀的佛土境界,及品嘗那些寶貴的甘露水。 |
In the last testament , we talked about the miracle of holy water . webmaster said : perhaps that master swore that she would sacrifice herself to work for the heaven 在上次的見證我們談到供茶的神跡,后學說:也許這位點傳師當時發了重誓,愿為天所用。 |
She enquired god and mother about this , they told her that she needs to collect holy water , because when the end of days comes , there may be no water to drink 她請示上帝與老母,他們告知她要收集供水,因為末日來臨之前,可能會沒水喝。 |
No matter how unclean the holy water looks , it will kill the bacteria and purge the sin . what in the world is better than this 無論圣水看起來多么不潔,它既能殺菌又能洗脫罪惡。這世界上還有比這更好的東西嗎? |
Collecting holy water is very easy , however , bringing people to churches or temples to accept instructions and baptize is not easy 但是要帶人去佛堂或教堂接受上課求道或受洗并不是件容易的事。 |
2 . 2 as a temporary measure , abstain from providing holy water at the church entrance , so that the faithful need not use holy water 2 . 2暫時圣堂門口不設圣水,教友暫時亦無須蘸圣水。 |
2 . 2 holy water may be provided at the church entrance , but it should be changed weekly and always kept clean 2 . 2圣堂門口可照常設置圣水,但需每周更換,并經常保持清潔。 |
At some of the more important services of the church , the holy water is sprinkled on the worshippers 在某些比較重要的教堂儀式中,圣水是灑在做禮拜人的身上的。 |
At some of the more important services of the church , the holy water is sprinkled on the worshippers 在某些比較重要的教堂祭儀中,圣水是?在做禮拜人的身上的。 |
My whole body trembled after drinking the holy waters and i felt moments of ecstacy and rapture 在喝過甘露水后,我整個身體開始顫動,感受到陣陣的極樂與法喜。 |
In jerusalem , my brother gave a dying arab a drink of water . there was no well , so he gave him holy water 在耶路撒冷,我哥哥給了一個要死的人一口水喝 |